PICOcode.AnalysisModules.event_modules.pico40l_22 package
PICOcode.AnalysisModules.event_modules.pico40l_22.dytran_analysis module
- class DytranAnalysis(event, queue=None, debug=False, previous_data={})
- fit_dytran_v2()
- run()
Abstract method called from process_single_run.
Inherited classes must override this function. All required data should have been staged prior to this function being called.
PICOcode.AnalysisModules.event_modules.pico40l_22.fastdaq_analysis module
- class FastDAQAnalysis(event, queue=None, debug=False, previous_data={})
Find t0 for each piezo, and calculate the acoustic energy.
This is a base class which should be inheritted from in a subdirectory, the name of which should be the data series (e.g. 40l-22).
- run()
Call all the relevant functions.
PICOcode.AnalysisModules.event_modules.pico40l_22.get_history module
- class GetHistory(event, queue=None, previous_data={})
Get slow control data at trigger and calculate Seitz threshold.
This is a base class which should be inheritted from in a subdirectory, the name of which should be the data series (e.g. 40l-22).
- run()
Abstract method called from process_single_run.
Inherited classes must override this function. All required data should have been staged prior to this function being called.